Artist: Misty Blues
Album: Silver Lining
Released: 2024
Website: https://www.mistybluesband.com/
The output over the last year of Misty Blues is nothing short of astounding. This is the fourth full album released in just over a 12 month period. Two live records and two studio albums. This New England based blues and roots outfit has churned out an impressive catalog for 25 years and show no sign of relenting.
Often in marketing music "micro niches" are mentioned. Instead of doing what others do, do your own thing better than anyone else and find the audience for it. This band seems to have wholeheartedly embraced that spirit. Nobody, and I mean nobody, sounds like Misty Blues. They are clearly rooted in the blues while stretching into jam band territory. But the beauty of Misty is they don't get lost in endless meandering jams like many bands in the jam band genre tend to. I think a large part of the band feeling more anchored to the blues is the vocals of Gina Coleman. Some singers open their mouths up and nothing but the blues comes out, no matter what song they're singing. Gina is undoubtedly one of those vocalists. She could sing you a chemistry textbook and it will sound like the blues!
The first single from the album is the title track Silver Lining. It features guitarist Early Times laying down a great track and fitting in perfectly with the band. This song is a shining example of the Misty approach to the blues. It is a difficult thing to explain how this band takes the blues and just twists it into something new without stretching too far from what makes it the blues. The key ingredients are there, but somehow it's bigger. There is tomato soup and there is tomato bisque. They're similar, but not the same. Misty is to the blues what bisque is to soup.
A stand out track is Blues Never Ends. It features The Diego Mongue Band absolutely killing it! A very simple chord change serves as a platform for a sonic journey that is loosely rooted in the blues but feels like a World Music exploration. Dave Matthews comes to mind, with interesting percussion and an ebb and flow that is simply intoxicating. It is a great example of how Misty can take a couple of chords and turn it into something much bigger than its parts. There are so many cool little things on the production of this one that I highly recommend a repeated headphone listen to expose them all. Music like this was not meant to be heard on an iphone speaker.
Another interesting cut is How Will I. Even the shuffle, the time tested groove of the blues is spun into a reggae like feel on this one. This cut has more in common with Bob Marley than Elmore James, but still will intrigue a blues fan. The groove is so lazy that it hinges on falling apart, but never does. To be clear, I mean lazy as the highest compliment.
Nothing's In Vain is a bittersweet tribute to a big supporter of the band, Steve Beastie that has passed on. I could write an entire review about this beautiful piece of music, but the words won't do it justice. If you have time to listen to only one song today, make it this one. It will be time well spent.
Misty Blues is a band that continues to improve and push boundaries with each release. This 25th Anniversary release Silver Lining is no exception. It is clear that they are fiercely comfortable in their skin as artists. They have found something that is their own unique sound and they unapologetically commit 100% to it. I hope the band makes it to their 50th anniversary, so we can see where this track leads them to!